I could blog about the fact that my lunchtime beverage cost more than my meal...my meal being a fantastic cheese plate and my beverage being a rather LARGE glass of vin rouge. I thought about saying that I had eaten more cheese at lunch than the average American eats in a month. And I even thought about adding that I ate more GOOD cheese than the average American eats EVER.
I could have mentioned that I had a buzz at 3:00 in the afternoon (thank you LARGE vin rouge) and that I had phonetics lab at 4:30. (Thank goodness the test was the day before!) Thought about mentioning how I walked into the Jardin du Luxembourg (one of the most beautiful spots in Paris) and did a very French thing by taking two chairs (one for my bum, one for my feet) then spent an hour just soaking up the sun, also very French, and enjoying the view of this statue's cute little butt...not bad for stone! And yes, that's the Eiffel Tower in the distance.
Could mention that I just experienced the shortest relationship in my history (so far)...two weeks from start to finish. And if you're wondering, "what the...?" you are not alone. S'ok though. Really.
Thought about mentioning how much I enjoyed wearing my new red coat yesterday...made in Italy, purchased in Paris, & worn with great joy and more than a little flair. Considered mentioning the world class chocolate I picked up after leaving the Jardin du Luxembourg and snacked on as I walked to class through the beautiful streets of Paris.
Even considered mentioning how much more I love this place by the day.
But since I didn't blog yesterday, I'll just tell you about today...today I finally got it..."the card that keeps me from getting deported." Yes! I got my carte de sejour, so I'm not only legal, I'm legal to work!
Ah yes...work. And the inevitable end to days spent lunching on cheese and wine, lingering in the gardens of Paris while luxuriating in the warmth of the Paris sun, and taking leisurely walks to class while enjoying dark chocolate with a caramel center.
Wait a minute...
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